Monday 13 January 2014

Media theory

We have explored Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory (1954) and The Uses and Gratification theory.

Hierarchy of Needs Theory - 
The hierarchy of needs theory states that human behavior reflects a range of needs, these needs are ranked in order of  basic needs  to higher aspirations. The unsatisfied needs are those which motivate our behaviors, when one of these needs had been fulfilled such as the need for food , the next need appears and wants to be fulfilled.
Marlow stated that these hierarchy can be dynamic and reversible:  For example that one person may feel the need to only have expensive pairs of shoes whereas someone else my not, Marlow stats that the needs are not always present in the same order in everyone.
Above is Marlow's hierarchy of needs (1954)

The Uses and Gratification theory - 
Another theory we looked at is The Uses and Gratification theory. This can be used to analyse advertisements and lifestyle magazines. The theory suggests that audiences actively use advertisements and magazines to meet some of thee needs as stated in Marlow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory.
McQuail, Blumber and Browm (1972) defined four major areas of the needs, Which the Media activily seek to please.

  • Diversion : An escape from our routine and daily problems, it can be used as an emotional release 
  • Personal relationships : A sense of companionship, feeling a part of a group
  • Personal Identity : Reinforcing our own values or knowledge, through comparisons with other's values or knowledge. ( this could include values or knowledge from the media producers and of celebrities).
  • Surveillance : The need for a constant supply of information about what is happening in the world.
 Both of theses theories are relevant as we can use them to analyse and look into music magazines. For example when looking at a front cover there are certain elements on the front cover that can relate to The Use and Gratification Theory.

In the lesson I looked at this magazine front cover, from looking at this i found some points that can be related to the theories above. For example the pull out quote "We were one of the greatest bands ever" can apply to The Uses and Gratification Theory as its past tense meaning that this can apply to the 'Personal Relationship' part of the theory as those who were there at the time the band 'We're one of the greatest bands' many feel a sense of companionship. Also there is a sense of personal identity as the pull quote makes readers wondered what has happened to them, as it states they 'We're' one of the greatest, why are they not now? this reinforces the readers own values and knowledge of the band.

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