Tuesday 14 January 2014

Planning original images

Planning original images 

When planning my front cover image I came up with two ideas, my second idea is what i will use if  i am unable to use my first idea due to problems that could effect when and where i take my photographs.

Front Cover Image 
Idea 1 -

  • Background/location - Taken outside, next to a tree to relate to the name ‘The Birds’. Girls stood next to or sat in a tree, the girls will positioned around the tree as it relates and links to the name of the band and has the element of nature running through. 
  • Lighting - A natural lighting, as due to the image being taken outside I will have to  try to not get too much shadow. 
  • Shot size - the shot size will be portrait and on a straight or just slightly low angle, as if the girls are higher up or looking down on the image, this relates again to the name of the band. 
  • Costume and props -  The girls (‘The birds) will be wearing ‘hippy’ type clothing, element of nature running through the images.
  • Body/facial expressions/positioning within the frame  -  the girl will be positioned around the tree, their facial expression will express their personalities. 
  • Intended connotations -  The outside / nature theme relates to the band’s name ‘The birds’ and their outlook on the world.
Idea 2 - 
  • Background/location - Taken on a white lighted background, for the models to take up most of the image. 
  • Lighting - Highly lit background and models partially lit so there is still some shadow but none that is unflattering. Using the three point lighting system.  
  • Shot size - The shot size with be portrait, on a slightly low angle. 
  • Costume and props - The girls (‘The birds) will be wearing ‘hippy’ type clothing, element of nature running through the images. 
  • Body/facial expressions/ positioning within the frame - The girls will be posed – one with their hands like birds and another showing the rock symbol. This will express the personalities of the band. 
  • Intended connotations - The way the girls are positioned expresses the personalities of the band members. 
Contents Images 

Below is a grid I produce to present my ideas for my contents images. 

Feature Article images 

My feature article images will have a similar link/theme to the main image on my front cover. As throughout my article there is a theme/ link to the bands name 'The Birds' and nature, as this makes a more interesting look and link to the band being interviewed.  

Below is a grid i produced to present my ideas for my feature article images.

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