Thursday 16 January 2014

Font selection for music magazine

Font selection 

For choosing my fonts to use for my music magazine I used I looked at a range of fonts from sans serif to serif, for my front cover text, contents text and feature article text.from my research i know that i must have a range of fonts that differ but some must be continuous so that my magazine stands out but also has a sense of continuity and house style to create a certain look for my magazine

Front Cover Fonts

For my front cover Masthead font  I chose to have a serif font, below I chose a selection of fonts i liked from and put them all together to compare and see which ones I liked best. From my research work I know that the mast head is key in selling the magazine, that it must be different, large and stand out.

My favourite fonts for my masthead are the 4th and 5th fonts down. The font I have chosen to use for my mast head is LEVI BRUSH, I chose this font as it stood out and looks unusual.Also that this style font looks loose and free hand, which I can relate to the genres of my magazine and the style, as the music and artist topics in my magazine which focus on serious music commentary, music on a personal scale. Indigo is the name of my magazine, however when using the fonts I experimented with a mixture of capitals and lower case. The styles/looks I chose were:

  • INDiGO
  • iNDiGO
  • INDieGO 
  • INDIgo
  • INDI-go 
Cover Line Fonts 

For my cover line fonts I chose three different fonts to use for my cover lines of my magazine. From looking at professional music magazines I know that there can be between 2 and 3 different types of fonts used for the cover lines of magazines. 
The fonts I have chosen for my cover lines are EVER AFTER, CHAMPAGNE & LIMOUSINES and ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. I like these three fonts the most as they are similar yet different.They wont look to similar on my front cover. 

Contents Page Fonts

when choosing my fonts for my contents page I know that from my research some of the fonts from the front cover are continued to give a sense of house style and continuity. Therefore I have put the two fonts I chose for my masthead as options for my contents page, I also used fonts from my cover line selections. 

For my contents fonts I have chosen are, EVER AFTER for headers, BIKO for the body text and use LEVIBRUSH as the title contents on my contents page. I have chosen to use the same fonts and to introduce a new font as I learnt this from researching into music magazine and looking at the fonts that are used. 

Feature Article fonts 

For my feature article fonts I must chose two fonts, one for the headings to ensure they stand out from the rest of the text. The body text should be sans serif as its easy to read and clear, the headings text could be either a sans serif or a serif font. These are the options for my feature article fonts: 
For my heading font I like two of the fonts I chose for my initial options, the fonts I like are 'TRASHHAND' and 'FLORENCE'. I like these two fonts as the stand out and are serif fonts and could be use for headings in my feature article. For my body text I know that from my research I know that the body text should be a sans serif as it is clear and easy to read. For my body text I like two fonts from my original ideas are, 'GRAVITY' and 'FLORENCESANS'. I like these two fonts as they are simple but are easily read and I think are the best choices for body text. 

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