Wednesday 16 October 2013

Research into School/Sixth From magazines

I am conducting some research into various Sixth from magazines and School , As part of my preliminary task I must make a Sixth from magazine. I wish to learn more about the key conventions used and what makes a successful Sixth form/School magazine.

Here is a word cloud of some key conventions/points to consider when designing  a Sixth from/school magazine.

To learn more about Sixth form magazines and further my knowledge of the conventions of sixth form magazines I have found and analysed some Sixth from magazines from other schools. I have analysed the front cover of the High Profile magazine from KEHS - King Edward VI High School For Girls -

Next I then analysed the front cover of  Comberton Sixth form magazine - 'The First'
To further my knowledge into Sixth form magazines I also analysed the front cover of  the Stoke Newington's Sixth form magazine - 'Spotlight' - 
I have also analysed the contents page of the 'Spotlight' magazine as for the preliminary task as well as producing a front cover I must produce a contents page to accompany it
I have made a word cloud of all the key conventions of a magazine front cover and contents page.

The magazine that I like the most is 'The First'. I like this as I find it more eye catching and interesting. The image on the front cover ties in well with the edition as its winter, its a very detailed and good quality image. 

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