Wednesday 16 October 2013

Research into School/Sixth From magazines

I am conducting some research into various Sixth from magazines and School , As part of my preliminary task I must make a Sixth from magazine. I wish to learn more about the key conventions used and what makes a successful Sixth form/School magazine.

Here is a word cloud of some key conventions/points to consider when designing  a Sixth from/school magazine.

To learn more about Sixth form magazines and further my knowledge of the conventions of sixth form magazines I have found and analysed some Sixth from magazines from other schools. I have analysed the front cover of the High Profile magazine from KEHS - King Edward VI High School For Girls -

Next I then analysed the front cover of  Comberton Sixth form magazine - 'The First'
To further my knowledge into Sixth form magazines I also analysed the front cover of  the Stoke Newington's Sixth form magazine - 'Spotlight' - 
I have also analysed the contents page of the 'Spotlight' magazine as for the preliminary task as well as producing a front cover I must produce a contents page to accompany it
I have made a word cloud of all the key conventions of a magazine front cover and contents page.

The magazine that I like the most is 'The First'. I like this as I find it more eye catching and interesting. The image on the front cover ties in well with the edition as its winter, its a very detailed and good quality image. 

Thursday 10 October 2013


My name is Heather , I am a A level Media Student Studying at the The Fallibroome Academy.

This bog charts my progress in response to AS coursework brief PRINT

This is my AS coursework PRINT brief blog.
The brief is:
a preliminary task - to produce the front cover and contents page of a new school magazine, featuring a photograph of a student in MCU plus some appropriately laid out text and master head.

The main task is to design the front over, contents and double page spread of a new music magazine which is to include a minimum of 4 original images.